Information about the University:
By the order of the Rector of PWSH “Pomerania” 09/R/2010 dated May 18, 2010, two departments were established within the Faculty of Humanities and Administration: the Department of Pedagogy and the Department of Administration.
“Pomerania” provides students and interested individuals with the opportunity to acquire additional qualifications through a rich offering of courses, training, and workshops. On November 9, 2010, the institution was registered in the Register of Training Institutions of the Provincial Employment Office in Gdańsk under registration number 2.22/00198/2010.
Since its inception, PWSH “Pomerania” has employed a professional teaching staff from the Tricity, Bydgoszcz, Toruń, Olsztyn, Poznań, Szczecin, Chojnice, and surrounding areas. The academic achievements of lecturers are documented in academic publications such as Acta Pomerania, Issues in Administration, Issues in Security, Issues in Pedagogy, scripts, and more. The role of the Chairman of the Scientific Council of PWSH publications is performed by the Rector. The quarterly university magazine “Żak Chojnicki” illustrates current events in the life of “Pomerania.”
The Student Government and Student Scientific Circles such as the Circle of Young Educators, Circle of Active Administration Students, and the Student Circle of Philosophy of Education operate actively in the University. Members of the Student Government actively participate in the work of the University Council for Quality and Educational Programs, Faculty Committees for Quality of Education, and the University Scholarship Committee. They organize cultural and entertainment events (e.g., initiation ceremonies, Christmas meetings, Pomerania Ball), sports and recreational activities (e.g., spring barbecue, kayaking), and socially useful activities (e.g., blood donation drive, Pomerania for Children, Christmas Markets). They also engage in activities related to international conferences, public debates, open lectures, etc., organized by the University. They promote “Pomerania” during Education and Job Fairs in Bytów, Człuchów, and Chojnice.
PWSH “Pomerania” ensures its students the opportunity to avail themselves of a rich scholarship assistance program. The Academic Career Office, in collaboration with the Social Council of Employers appointed by the Rector and the County Employment Office in Chojnice, participates in initiatives related to the professional activation of students.
Under agreements with External Stakeholders, the University collaborates in Chojnice with the University of the Third Age, Secondary School Complex No. 1, Fuhrmann Foundation, Guild of Various Crafts, Detention Center, Shelter for Minors, Employers’ Association of Pomerania, County Employment Office, “Bajka” Non-Public Kindergarten, and others, as well as with the General Police Headquarters in Warsaw, Higher School of Economy, and Regional Inspectorate of the Prison Service in Bydgoszcz, School Complex in Czersk, and other institutions.
In January and February 2013, the Polish Accreditation Commission from Warsaw conducted a quality control assessment at PWSH in the fields of Administration and Pedagogy. By resolutions No. 542/2013 and No. 543/2013 dated September 5, 2013, regarding the program assessment at the undergraduate level, the PKA Presidium issued a positive evaluation of the quality of education in both visited fields. It is satisfying that all evaluated criteria were awarded a full score.
Why is PWSH POMERANIA a good choice for students?
- They are going to study in a building with its own free parking in the very center of Chojnice in very good conditions, in an academic atmosphere, in a climate of friendship, cordiality, openness, kindness, respect and cooperation.
- They are going to gain practical skills in modernly equipped laboratories adapted to a given field of study.
- They are going to acquire knowledge from the best lecturers of theoreticians and practitioners who will serve them with help, kindness and understanding.
- They are going to acquire practical skills in various institutions by implementing student internships in a given field of study.
- They are going to have the opportunity to benefit from financial aid through different types of scholarships: social, scientific and artistic, sport one, for the disabled people, and benefits due to individual random events.
- They are going to have opportunity to use a bank student loan to pay for studies, with the option of redeeming it for the best students.
- They are going to have the opportunity to use the individual course of study in special cases.
- They are going to experience the knowledge, favor, openness and kindness of employees and the university’s authorities.
- They are going to gain values that will be later uses in their professional and family life.
- They are going to feel special, in a unique place and with valuable people.
- They have a chance influence the atmosphere and the student climate itself
- They are going to be satisfied that they can study and pursue their path to success in a modern university
- after accreditation by the Polish Accreditation Commission, received positive marks.
Academic Authority
Rector of the University
dr Magdalena Grochulska
University Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator
Marcin Radziwołek
ul. Świętopełka 10
89-600 Chojnice
Tel. (52) 396 44 44
tel. kom. 662-334-508