Erasmus Policy Statement
Our Erasmus Policy Statement reflect how we intended to implement Erasmus after the award of the ECHE.
What would we like to achieve by participating in the Erasmus Programme? How we expect the participation in Erasmus to contribute towards modernising our institution, as well as on the goal of building a European Education Area1 and explain the policy objectives we intend to pursue.
Public University of Humanities POMERANIA is preparing to start organizing first mobilities starting 1 June 2025. We have implemented all procedures and made them public on website. We are working to expand our partners network, to provide every student opportunity for internationalization.
The goal Public University of Humanities POMERANIA is to continuously improve the quality of teaching and grow high quality specialists in the fields of study that are needed on labour market. In order to do this, we need to work together with our partners in Poland and abroad, and provide students with opportunities of studying abroad, learning foreign languages and having opportunity to study abroad. We would like to create opportunities for local students for internationalization at home, to be able to meet foreign students and teachers in Poland , when it’s not impossible for our students to go abroad themselves.
Together with our staff members we are dedicated to prepare with partners BIPs first abroad, learn from it, to be ready for our first BIP at home.
Thanks to international bilateral partnerships, we will be able to offer our students more possibilities. We choose our international partners based on parameters like: professionalism, compatibility of study programs, the desire to work together . It is important to continuously build the network of partner institutions, cooperate in professional and timely manner, in order to be able to offer students the best possible educational possibilities, using the results of globalization. The main criteria are :
- common ground in teaching content
- correlated study effects and results , to make best possible Learning Agreements
- mutual will, to cooperate and expand results of cooperation beyond mobility.
The main goal and most important objective is to open minds of our students to other cultures, perspectives, make them more creative, self-reliant in building their carriers. This will be achieved by increasing the potential of our staff and presenting new opportunities of mobility to our students. We would like to also make them aware of their environment, take care of the nature around them, be compassionate of other cultures, and understand economic and social problems around them.
The University will choose partners based on the mutual benefits for students and staff, being the result of corresponding study modules and study effects and in the framework of a clear strategy for internationalization.
Students of first and second degree studies will have equal access to Erasmus+ programme. There will be no form of discrimination during recruitment and all students and staff will have equal chances based on publicly announced criteria. We will continue to organize practical placements abroad for our students, cooperating with solid partners like HR Experts from Greece, and HR Job Trust, partner universities.
POMERANIA participation in the Erasmus+ Programme will be mainly in the area of student and staff mobility. Turning to Priority 1 of the Modernization Agenda, mobility experiences will enhance both the skills and employability of our graduates and to encourage our staff to benefit from different teaching and learning practices. A greater awareness of academic colleagues of the benefits of mobility for both students and staff should result both in higher levels of student and staff mobility.
To address Priority 2, we will continue our well-established relationships with professional bodies, industrial organizations, government departments and research institutes to develop our curriculum and to ensure that our courses will be relevant and meet industry needs. As the University has a culture of continuous enhancement, participation in the Programme will allow us to carry on this culture and will allow us to learn from engagement with other institutions and individuals. As a result, the whole University, with equal support to all faculties and fields of study , will be institutionally engaged in the Programme for the benefit of all its students and staff, thereby addressing Priority 3.
With regard to Priority 4, it will be key for us to work with industry, both regional and international, to provide as many opportunities for our students for practical training as possible. Not only will this be of benefit to the employability of our graduates, it will allow us to set up networks of contacts which could lead to stronger network development between the University and business in and outside the local region and increase the range of placements we can offer to our students, and in polish companies for incoming students. In terms of improving governance and funding, active engagement with partner institutions/organizations in other countries will allow us to compare and contrast our current practices, and where possible, implement enhancements to improve governance.
Relationships with these institutions could result in collaborative networks which in turn could result in joint ventures for funding applications under this, and other programmes
We believe that all successful partnerships are the result of shared commitments and mutual benefit from cooperation. Our international partner institutions are diverse, reflecting the different needs and priorities of our partners and our own students and staff. Many of our current partnerships result from individual links between academic staff, while others have been introduced through existing partners or other networks. In order to encourage the development of new links and the internationalization of our study programs, we intend to support the extension of our Erasmus exchanges to new subject areas. Additionally, we also continue to promote the benefits of participation within our institutes and we support academic staff setting up exchange programs in Europe and elsewhere with the aim to seek to offer more diverse mobility opportunities to our staff and students, and in the future to include mobility as an integral or optional element of study programs.
For mobility activity, partners will be chosen by ascertaining which institutions offer similar educational offerings to our own and where there is a good curriculum match which will allow our students to progress to the next stage of their course when they return to the university.
When working on organization of Blended Intensive Programs with our partner Universities we will take two routes. One – working on faculty and specialty specific knowledge, and second – to allow our students to participate also in interdisciplinary courses.
In the EU, we will not target specific geographical areas for exchange activities as the curriculum and language of teaching will be most important so that students will receive maximum academic benefit from a period abroad. Braking language and social barriers helps our students increase self-esteem.
Erasmus actions we would like to take part in and how they will be implemented in practice at your institution. Institution’s participation in these actions will contribute to achieving the objectives of institutional strategy.
The Person responsible for organizing Erasmus+ mobility is Institutional Erasmus Coordinator working on the central level, managing mobility recruitment and organization on all faculties, working closely with Deans and Faculty coordinators when creating LA and monitoring recognition, organizing BIPS, organizing recruitment, and dissemination of results. There will be 3 person Erasmus Committee designated by Rector meeting regularly to discuss recruitment, implementation, organization of international weeks, BIPs and approving nominations of candidates.
Erasmus Coordinator will work with Financing and accounting department to make sure that all beneficiaries receive financing before mobility, have financial documents in order, and nomination, LA or STT STA program is signed by 3 parties, declarations of green travel or fewer opportunities are documented. Erasmus Coordinator and accountancy will also work closely to process all issues related to National Agency and financing and reporting.
Erasmus Coordinators job is to work closely with the Deans of faculties and the Rector, and accountancy and finance department to implement internationalization policy.
Erasmus Office is responsible for all tasks related to mobility and cooperation with partner institutions related to KA1 mobility. Rector is the person that represents the University and signs Bilateral Agreements. Deans sign LA. Other people can get mandate from Rector who will decide who will accept LA for BIP or training.
Erasmus office tasks:
- Cooperation with the National Agency (regarding mobility and possibly strategic partnerships)
- Organization of mobilities and recruitment of candidates
- monitoring creation of Learning Agreement by students working with Deans or Faculty Coordinators
- monitoring, evaluation and recognition.
- applying for funding, and reporting to NA
- monitoring recognition after mobility working with Deans and Faculty Coordinators
- visibility and promotion, communication with partners abroad.
- Promoting taking care of environment
- Promoting learning languages using OLS platform
Also , not limited to:using all the tools like OLS, Beneficiaty Module, coordinate recognition of the TR, financial agreements, making sure students sign financial agreement, bring certificate, have insurance, travel, arrange accommodation.
taking care of incoming students, using buddy system, facebook, building support for incoming students
One person appointed in Accountancy department coordinates the scholarship payment and disbursement of funds in accordance with accounting rules and agreements with the National Agency and Erasmus+ regulations. Details on student mobility on credits and academic recognition of studies and practices are agreed with deans of faculties and students. LA is approved by the dean of faculty, and recognition based on TR is also carried out by the Dean – the only person that can validate the semester. In case of problems with recognition, students can always redirect and ask for second assessment by Rector.
All students and staff will become mandatory participants of “Erasmus+ news ”MS teams channel, where BIPs will be announces, rules of recruitments to partner HEI for long term Erasmus, invitations to international weeks, facts of signing IIAs. Everyone will have equal access to information, to be able to apply, and be nominated according to fair and transparent rules of recruitment announced every year.
Staff teaching and staff training programmes are accepted by Erasmus Committee designated by Rector, respecting rules of recruitment set and published every year around February.
The rules concerning the mobility of students and staff are approved by the Rector every year, after instructions from National Agency.
Impact of participation in the Erasmus+ Programme. Targets, as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators in monitoring this impact (such as mobility targets for student/staff mobility, quality of the implementation, support for participants on mobility, increased Involvement in cooperation projects (under the KA2 action), sustainability/long-term impact of projects etc.) You are encouraged to offer an indicative timeline for achieving the targets related to the Erasmus+ actions.
We are aware that it will be difficult to convince everyone to participate in the program. Our goal is to gradually increase the number of outgoing students and staff members, and joining more international initiatives. Below, we describe 2019-1-PL01-KA205-064498 project .
The main goal in the beginning is good communication to make every student and every academic staff aware of possibilities. Everyone should feel invited, encouraged and well informed about rules of recruitment, and advantages of mobilities.
Tytuł projektu:
„Młodzieżowa Szkoła Liderów Bezpieczeństwa Mediów Społecznościowych”
nr umowy 2019-1-PL01-KA205-064498
- Regarding indicative timeline, our plan is to find not less than 5 partner Universities and sign bilateral agreement before December 2024, and double it before June 2025 – first year when hopefully our students and staff will be able to travel to other Universities using KA131 Erasmus funding. Before 2025, we will implement COILS – Collaborative Online Intensive Learning – and try to synchronize time of classes with University abroad, to give students first opportunities of learning in international environment, and have first experience with their language barrier.
- After that in 2025 we plan to systematically increase the number of SM and ST Mobility. Thanks to Erasmus+ programme it will be possible to finance practical placements and study of students who otherwise couldn’t afford to study or gain experience abroad. Long-term we would like to initiate closed cooperation with partners, join European University initiatives as associated partner, and get involved in other KA2 projects.
- We will provide students with :
a) Full recognition of study and practical placement abroad
b) Promote mobility and provide information among students and candidates to study in our University
c) Recognition of mobility results for teachers
d) Increase the quality of cooperation with other foreign students, university students, development of careers – mentors, in cooperation with the Erasmus students
e) Increasing the relevance and contribution of foreign practices in education
We would like to encourage more than 5 % of our students for long term mobility and around 10%for Blended SMS Mobilities in first 5 years. Our Staff will get involved to cooperate with partner institutions to work on BIPs, and participate in International Weeks searching for similar minded partners.
Moreover we will recruit students and present them opportunities for:
foreign apprenticeships for students of all faculties, prepare and conduct training programs tailored to the needs of the labour market, supporting innovation and getting skills via practical achievements. Participation in contests and fairs, to search for and development of innovative projects with foreign partners by engaging our outgoing academic staff and teachers.
Strengthening quality of teaching through mobility and cross-border cooperation with more experienced universities from abroad.
Our quantitive and qualitive goals remain focused on giving students of every field of study possibilities to study and perform practical training abroad. That means that expanding partners network is our biggest priority for upcoming years. After we get first students to apply, we will tell their stories, disseminate results, and hope that all students will know about their opportunities.
institutional internationalisation and modernisation strategy:
10 years from now, we plan to have a network of trusted and reliable partners, and experienced team in Erasmus Office. We would like to have network of students and alumni engaged in dissemination results, and making sure that every students gets opportunity to go study or train abroad.
Erasmus will give our staff opportunity to learn from best practices abroad.